Four NUS Faculty of Dentistry (FoD) researchers have been listed as the world’s most influential scientists, according to a study conducted by Stanford University published on 20 October 2021. The database lists top-scientists from 22 scientific fields and 176 sub-fields. The selection is based on the top 100,000 c-score or a percentile rank of 2% or above.
The 2021 list features Professor Patrick Finbarr Allen (Dean of FoD ) and A/P Xiaoli Gao who are experts in the field of gerontology, oral epidemiology, health disparity and social determinants. The list also includes A/P Vinicius Rosa (Vice Dean Research) and A/P Wei Seong Toh who lead research programs on nanomedicine, biomaterials and tissue engineering.
“Being among the Top 2% Scientists Worldwide proves that our research is internationally competitive and recognised. Our team of investigators keeps evolving and enabling the emergence of world-class research programs which are highly cited. I am hopeful that more of my colleagues will be joining this list in the coming years”, said A/P Vinicius Rosa.