The Academy of Dental Materials Fellowship is a prestigious recognition awarded to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the field of dental materials science. This honor signifies a high level of expertise and dedication to advancing the dental materials field.
Rosa received the ADM Fellowship from Dr. Milena Cadenaro (ADM President, left) and Dr Arzu Tezvergil-Mutluay (ADM Secretary, right)
A/P Rosa has been a member of the Academy of Dental Materials (ADM) since 2006 and has received both the ADM Student Award and ADM Paffenbarger Award. He has been appointed as a Fellow of the Academy of Dental Materials (FADM) due to her impactful research, innovations, and leadership in the field during the 2023 ADM Annual Meeting in San Diego.
This prestigious Fellowship has been bestowed upon only 53 researchers worldwide, recognizing their exemplary contributions to the field of dental materials and their role in advancing oral healthcare.